It's an epidemic. It can strike anyone. It begins harmlessly enough... maybe with a cell phone, an online social network profile, or an IM. But before long, the electronic screens invade every corner of your life.

There's a name for this tragic and extremely annoying condition: Screen Addiction.

But there is hope. Send an intervention to someone you care about! Help them take the first step towards recovery.

Visit to find out more about the warning signs of Screen Addiction and how you can help someone get back to a healthy, tech-free life.
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Send an Intervention Email to your screen-addicted friend!

Dear ,

I'm sending this letter because

This is an intervention. It's time to admit you have a problem. You're addicted to

I'm worried you're going to

When is the last time you

I miss you. The world misses you. You need help. Watch this video. Join a Meetup or something. Please.

These email addresses will only be used to send this intervention message.